Saturday, October 04, 2003

Kill Over

A blood pressure of 90 over 60 is normal, for me. It can be like 80 over 50 and I'm just a little bit dizzy but it's not like I'm about ready to faint or kill over. At 100 over 70 which is normal to a lot of people, I would consider a bit on the high side. Then I would be irritable, sleepy and would have dizzy spells. At 110 over 70, I feel pressure happening in my nape and my eyes feel like popping out. Over 80, my jaws would be like becoming stiff and am a bit nauseous by then. At 120 over 80, man ... it's migraines galore with pumping action combined with all the other discomforts. If it rises any more, I would kill over.