Friday, October 10, 2003

Go With The Flow ... In Traffic

A whole day in traffic! We started out as early as 8 AM to pick up Gina and an hour and a half later, we finally got to her place. Then off we went to Art's and we get there for another hour and a half. We surveyed the place, had lunch and left at 12:30 NN thinking that traffic since it's lunchbreak shouldn't be so bad. Off to the kennels we went with no traffic should only be forty five minutes to an hour. By the time we got there, we were pooped from the heat. It was bumper to bumper, stop and go that the air-conditioning system just didn't cope up with it. AAARRRGGGHHH! We did our rounds as to what needed touch-ups and repairs after cooling down. At 4PM, we were on the road again to meet up with Karen at the Fort area. Well, we ended up at UCC two and a half hours later and decided to have dinner. We finally got home close to 10 PM. Traffic is really horrible these days. There's no such thing as rush hour anymore. It seems that even in the wee hours of the morning, it's still a stop and go situation and never a free flow. And it's not going to improve come Christmas season.

I finally proofed the photos I took the last dive. There are some very nice shots, I was surprised actually. "Gee, I took that?" It just makes me want to go diving again and take more shots. Today, when I woke up I decided to organize the film negatives and positives. Ideas are hovering mad. Do oil painting with some of KQ's underwater shots and have a side by side exhibit. Also an exhibit of dogs and marine life as in "Paws-N-Fins". Or maybe, start compiling the photos into portfolios. Enlarge some of them. Publish.

Toffee's and Zoom's documents arrived. All these ... everything seems to be falling into place. Signs. Signs. Signs. It's about the right time, I suppose. Go with the flow. Expend energy and expand. Live. And thank you for the blessings, Lord!