Thursday, October 23, 2003

I Never Do or Do I?

I never learn.

Life is a cycle. It goes on and on. Just as the earth revolves around the sun, it also turns on its on axis in the same rhythmic passion from day to night, night to day and days to months, months to years and years to decades ... centuries and lightyears. Five billion lightyears away, where would it be? Five billion years from now, I definitely would not be but life still may be and some other being would be thinking the same things I am thinking now. Some other being would be asking the same question my significant other wondered and worried about.

I never learn.
My life's own cycles. I go through these cycles. Some bigger and longer ones, others small and a number minute to even notice. Beginning and end where the end becomes the beginning and so it goes. Trapped in your own little world of new beginnings and different endings. And as you live longer and look back, you learn that one never learns even how often history repeats itself. It does, really. You go through the same cycle thinking that this time, you would do something else based from the past, you would or would not do it again. Along the way, if you stop and think, it's just the cycle all over again.

I never learn.
It is always easier for a child. With no worries and woes, with no preconceived notions. Ignorance is bliss, innocence a blessing. Filled with ideals and aspirations, a child looks at the world with hope and wonder. Happiness and contentment, easily attained. Friendships mean friendships. Relationships, never questioned and just accepted. When an infant is hungry, it cries. When it is full, it burps and falls asleep eventually. When it wets, it cries. When it's time to do what it has to do, then it does it and it is done. And in this cycle of life, in the end when we revert back and become a child once again, we all do the same things. Only this time, we are not as happy and content. Tears roll down our eyes as memories flash back. A mother breastfeeding a child, although however burdened some may be always have the joy within. The child that once was spoonfeeding the aged mother burdened, hopefully never lose the joy within.

Life's cycle. The things we should learn along the way.

I never learn.
I go through the same cycles over and over again. I've gone through my cycles thrice and still, I have never learned from the past two.

The cycle will not stop until I learn. I can't stop until the last breath.

I better learn then.