Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The long wait is over.

Just a few more days. Four months have passed, almost. I am very relaxed with minor inconveniences ... Actually, it's like a year and a half that I've just been picking my ass, wondering what to do and wandering aimlessly. It's clearer now, at least. It's just a matter of doing it, whatever it is I somehow decided on. A lot of hard work ahead. It's not going to be easy. But hey, I might have fun along the way, eh. How about that?

It's funny, the things I planned on doing while I'm waiting ... things I thought I would do to pass the time, I never got to really sit down and do it. Like I lagged along 2 external hard-drives that needed organizing but somehow, never really sat down long enough. I tried but there's this feelin of I'm missing out on something if I just sit in front of my monitor skin. What have I accomplished? Well, 10 lbs. ... at least, I lost 10 lbs. from walking the dogs and biking. I also sort of managed to keep the house clean and... even my mom is kind of picking up on the "clean as you go" principle however she does not really clean very well. She bitches about cleaning very well tho'.

So whatelse? Cold water diving is nothing compared to warm water diving. And am taking computer classes right and left. Spent a lot of money too but hey, what the heck? The raeson why you work hard and save is so that you can be able to afford things you want ... you can't take the money to the grave. So, I still think howevermuch my mom, of course nags me... What good is money you have when you don't get to enjoy on spending it, eh?