Friday, September 19, 2003


How things change in a blink:

The clock struck twelve and I was still up, I knew right there and then, the day ahead is going to be a shitty one. We had to get going by seven in the morning to avoid the bumper to bumper rush going downtown. We had to be at Tinseltown before eight and try to get the PRC picked up before nine to catch our Final Cut Pro class at West Broadway. Well, for one, I totaly forgot about the PRC thing when I paid and booked the class. As a recourse, well ... our Edmonton visitor can keep mom company, I assumed but of course, she is on vacation, has a life and ... had plans of her own. :(

So, there I was ... stressed out with heart burn from piggin' out instead of stayin' at home, relaxed with the usual routine. My God, we even had to rush feeding the dogs at eleven at night! And when we snuck back at home (because somebody forgot the present for the birthday celebrant) ... of course, the dogs let in by the old ladies in the basement unsupervised (it was raining hard and so the ladies' thought it was mean of us to leave them outside) ... Dogs being dogs, left to their own devices, chewed on whatever there was to chew on which I had to clean up. Dogs have fur and as I recall, the breeds we have have waterproof coats plus an undercoat to boot. Oh well ... whatever ...

Half past midnight, I had to get back up and online. People from the islands should have faxed the Import Permits two days ago! I have been sending text messages and NADA ... NOTHING ...

One other thing... there's the Guiguinto problem again. Not the dogs this time but the hood is back!!! Oh, yeah... it's September. It was September 25, 5 years ago when my neighbors complained about the kennels. This time, the lot next door decided to build a house and used our fence as the walls in their house.

And yes of course, Manila was trying to fax me until about 1:30 am. I was awake at 5:30 am. Four hours of sleep. That's enough to make me grouchy all day today.

Now to continue with MY BLOGDAY TODAY (which I keep getting interrupt ...ed) ...