Saturday, December 11, 2004


The lines in one's palm change depending on actions one takes. Day by day, just as every fleeting second changes with the passing of time. A month ago, I went to a palm reader. She put powder in my left palm and pointed out the prominent lines. She assured me of a distant future, two or three years from now that everything will turn out alright. I remember from long ago, another palm reader told me that lines change every five years. Or maybe, they become visibly obvious that the lines have changed. Lately, just this week, a line surely changed and broke away ... and with just a line breaking away, different patterns formed and others doubled up side by side. I have not done anything significant nor noticed anything major happening 'cept I just became fully aware of my financial situation at this point in my life. I've hit rockbottom and digging a very deep hole.

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