Thursday, February 20, 2003

Oh man, my mind's so clogged I feel the need to blog.

Money. Just how important money is? It seems too important nowadays that I hear people around me grumble about the lack of it. Those who have money in abundance still just jump on the bandwagon so as not to be left out by everybody and do try to complain in their own way.

I would much rather stay at home. Watch TV, turn my computer on and off ... drink coffee, eat noodles ... play with the dogs ... DIVE ... yeah ... dive!!! Don't much like being with people nowadays cuz all I hear are small talks about how prices have gone up, how hard life is, how so and so is, is doing, did this or did that ... I don't enjoy listening in on shallow conversations that involve bashing or bitching. I'd much rather be doing silly things like looking at myself in the mirror or trying to fit all my credit cards in one wallet. Silly things like doing nothing, staring at the wall and watching the rain drops and water forming puddles ... silly, silly things like rolling back and forth on the bed ... smelling mom's cooking, sniffing my girlfriend's hair ...

So, is money important. Well, yeah ... it is, I suppose cuz if I did not have money, I would not have the leisure to do silly things. But then again, without it ... I'd still be doing silly things.

Thank God for my silliness!