Monday, November 18, 2002

On Retirement

Somehow... the idea of retirement is still vague. What is retirement really? And what is this thing called semi-retirement? When I indulge myself of this notion and converse with friends, they do point it out to me that I am somewhat semi-retired. It's a state in which, I suppose, one can do what they want to do, whatever pleases one's whimsical desire at the moment and not really worry or just enjoying life as it comes. But I have always lived my life enjoying every second of it. I have always done whatever pleases me and rarely do I worry about unnecessary things. So being semi-retired is no different after all ... And here I am worrying about this thing called semi-retirement or retirement for that matter. Maybe because I really don't know what it is... fear of the unknown? All the opinions and cliches I am told doesn't really make much sense which is alleviating my fear of what it really is.

I have imagined myself about seven years ago as semi-retired, waking up to chirping birds and playing with my dogs... sitting with my legs up and watching the leaves sway where the wind blows sipping a cup of good brewed coffee. I imagined myself painting, drawing... strolling down the garden with dogs running alongside. I imagined myself travelling and seeing places I have never seen with my beloved ones, enjoying quiet time with a smile in my heart. Yes, of course, let us not forget the dog shows or get-together with friends, lounging around and exchanging chit-chats. Bubble baths, jacuzzis and hand in hand with someone very dear... smile in my heart. Funny that while I was imagining all these, all these were happening at the same time too. And now I find myself not doing these things when people tell me that I am actually semi-retired. So what do I do now?

Hmmm ... weird.