Friday, June 16, 2006

Tired, Exhausted and Weary

That I am.  I shut down my businesses last April.  At first, I was sort of enjoying doing nothing.  Oh, just rolling around the bed with my babies.

Every morning while I'm having my breakfast, I look up and see the mess in the attic.  When I go take my shower, I see the piles of clothes getting higher and higher waiting to be put in the cabinet.  I can't even find anything anymore.  It's a total mess which actually is an understatement.

So this is retirement, I say to myself.  Then one day, I just decided to do something about my surroundings and it has been almost three weeks now ...  I'm just organizing, putting things away ... 

I'm tired and exhausted.  I am breaking out and have rashes on my neck.  Weary ...  will I ever get all my stuff organized.  I'm living a trashy life ...  it's time to trash a lot of my accumulated stuff over the years and move on.

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