Friday, January 23, 2004

Full Circle

It's a bit late. I've been wanting to blog since yesterday and greet everyone who reads my blog ... HAPPY NEW YEAR! Again ... My blog has become a new year blog, eh. Well ...

I have a life now, that's what it is.

I haven't been just whiling away time in front of and glued on to the 'puter. And boy is my life turning around! It's goin' to be a tough one to ride BUT HEY! ... I'M HAPPY! So, there's really no cause for worry.

My life is coming to a full circle.

Going back to some of the old ways that seemed so distant for awhile. I'm enjoying it though, doing the old things I used to do. I'm keeping track of my expenses and trying to budget making ends meet. I so enjoy balancing my available cash on hand up to the last cent/centavo. It's fun! I am so very pleased seeing my networth everyday now that I'm no longer just using a columnar pad but so enthralled with Microsoft Money and Quicken. It also gives me pleasure seeing how much I have actually saved all through out the years. It brings back good memories of me baring my hunger just so I would not spend a dime out of my allowance. Memories of me running around all over the city without cash in my wallet and my, I'm doing that now ... AGAIN! Barely enough to get around with the high cost of living amidst the economic crisis or should I say depression? Gee, with everybody I see with grim in their faces, why does it seem that my partner and I are the only ones so content and at peace with world around us?

We're also back attending masses every Sunday.
