Friday, October 04, 2002


I have a headache happening and it's just starting to pound. There are different types of headaches: 1)SINUS HEADACHES - it's when your sinuses act up and you feel stuffed. The headache stems from right up front, above your eyebrows but in between your eyes. Well, sometimes, they also hurt like somewhere at the back of your head but towards the sides around the ear. I have these headaches a lot. I have full blown sinus allergies. I've been suffering from all sorts of allergies since I was a kid. So,what are the other types of headaches? 2) Migraines - these ones are particularly irritating. It sometimes just hurt in one area or sometimes, it seems it's actually just coming from one nerve. Well, just because it seems to be just coming from one nerve doesn't mean it doesn't hurt as much, sometimes it is worse. I've had these headaches happen from different sides of my head and no matter what kind of painkiller I take, doesn't go away. What triggers them, hell ... I have no idea and if I go on and dwell about - I might just get them. So ... 3) the HEADache I have right now seems to be another kind ... it's the one that comes with some kind of bug. It's like when you're about to get sick . My girlfriend's been sick for the past couple of days so I suppose, I finally caught it. I'm coming down with whatever she's got.

I'm just blogging because I feel I have to ... really since I haven't been in here for awhile. So there you go.

I have a headache ... now. I need to get some rest.